About Us

About us


I have had a passion for Newts and Salamanders since I was very little and I spent a lot of time reading about them.

There is plenty of information about these animals online, but often across various places and scientific papers, and that made me decide to create a website where you could find all the information you need to start off your journey in keeping these wonderful animals.

But I am not the only person with this passion, and you’ll find several articles created by various contributors which share the same passion for tailed amphibians.

I’ll try to keep the website the most up to date as possible, so come back often.


Josh Coppola
Josh Coppola

Josh Coppola, born in 1991 in Salerno, developed a passion for animals and nature in general from a young age, with a particular interest in amphibians and reptiles. He moved to London after high school to do a BSc in Business Studies at Cass Business School, which resulted in him having to give up keeping animals for 7 years.

In 2017 he started again to keep caudata, and also picked up an interest in photography, but with very bad results.

“As an objective, I’d like to focus on the breeding in captivity of rare species that are not widespread in the hobby, so we are able to spread them and avoid them disappearing from this hobby forever.”


Andrea Aiello
Andrea Aiello

Andrea Aiello, born in Florence in 1988, immediately gained a deep interest and fascination for nature and scientific-medical subjects. In 2012 he graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Florence.

He is currently pursuing a degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Florence. From 2013 to 2018 he is a member of the Paolo Malenotti Foundation.

He has been breeding Caudata amphibians since 2008, mainly interested in Middle Eastern species (especially of the genus Neurergus) as well as the Plethodontidae family. He is also fond of Orchids and Carnivorous Plants, of which he has a modest collection, which began in 2005.

Other passions include Photography, Fishing, Herping, Trekking and Hiking more generally.

“Once I am settled, I would like to dedicate part of the new home to the breeding of other species of Urodeles and to the cultivation of tropical plants in greenhouses. At that point I would be delighted to be able to start keeping some Anura amphibians.”

Giacomo Tonelli, 24, student attending the third year of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Turin.

Vice-president of the Turin association “Natura Invisibile”, founded for the study and protection of biodiversity (specialized in herpetofauna).

He has been breeding caudata amphibians for 5 years and is particularly interested in the Plethodontidae and Ambystomatidae families.

In the past he has bred and reproduced several species of tropical fish.

“I hope in the not too distant future, to be able to devote more space to the breeding of urodels, trying to reproduce as many species as possible not only for passion, but also for species conservation. The dream is the reproduction of the specie Pseudotriton ruber schenki. “

Giacomo Tonelli
Giacomo Tonelli
Giuseppe Molinari
Giuseppe Molinari

Giuseppe Molinari, born in 1996 in Cesena, spent his childhood in the Tuscan-Romagna Apennines where he became passionate about naturalistic subjects.

He is currently graduating in Natural Sciences at the University of Bologna.

He is passionate about wildlife photography with a predilection for herpetofauna and he collaborates as a volunteer in various LIFE projects within the National Park of the Casentinesi Forests.

It has been breeding caudata continuously since 2014, in particular he focuses on species of Asian origin.

Jacopo Martino, born in Rome in 1997, graduating in biological sciences at “La Sapienza”University of Rome. He worked for two years as a laboratory assistant for the zoology department of his university, then, he assisted and participated in various projects for the monitoring and study of herpetofauna, entomofauna and chiroptera. In 2022, is co-author of the paper “Sexual dichromatism and throat display in spectacled salamanders: a role in visual communication?”, later on, he participates in the publication of new works and scientific notes, in the herpetofaunistic, entomological, arachnological and ichthyological fields. Member of the Italian Gekko association (IGA), and administrator for projects and activities related to the world of amphibians for it. Member and social media manager for the Societas Herpetologica Italica (SHI). Member of the Italian Arachnology association (AIA) and special collaborator for the Arthropoda live Museum association. Founder and head of the research group of the ProgettoSeeds cultural association, which deals with naturalistic and environmental issues, within the Lazio region. He has been keeping and breeding amphibians since 2014, with particular interest in the Ambystomatidae and Hynobidae families, and the Gymnophiona order.
Jacopo Martino
Jacopo Martino
Luca La Grassa
Luca La Grassa

Luca La Grassa, born in 1995 in the province of Milan, was immediately fond of nature, in particular of arthropods, reptiles and amphibians.

Since 2008 he has successfully kept and bred several species of arthropods, increasing his passion year after year and achieving more complex goals.

In 2014 he created a youtube channel called Terrarium channel with the intention of helping your hobbyist by sharing his knowledge and introduce this passion to new keepers by bringing these initiatives to children in schools; project which has ended in 2018 in favour of new projects.

He is a founder of the cultural association Arthropoda Live Museum born in 2016, of which he remained vice president until 2018 to then remain as member maintaining relationships of collaboration and friendship.

He began working as an environmental educator at the WWF Oasis of Valmanera in the province of Asti in 2017 and continues his journey with structure to this day.

“I have always kept amphibians but I never attempted breeding, but I have decided to start a breeding project with Lepidobatrachus laevis and I hope more Ceratophryidae as well in the future. My dream remains Calyptocephalella gayi “

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